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Prescription Drug Addiction

Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction is the third leading cause of substance use disorders in the United States, according to survey data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Over 7 million people in the United States met the criteria for a prescription drug use disorder in a recent year.

Yet prescription drug abuse can be overcome. Prescription drug addiction treatment is a highly effective option for helping people break free from prescription drug abuse, learn to maintain their abstinence, and build healthier, happier lives for themselves in recovery.

Commonly Misused Prescription Drugs

Dozens of prescription drugs have a high potential for abuse. This includes prescription painkillers, medications for sleep disorders, benzodiazepines designed to treat anxiety, and central nervous system stimulants meant to help people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Some of the most commonly abused prescription medications include:

  • Adderall (amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts)

  • Ritalin (methylphenidate)

  • OxyContin (oxycodone)

  • Vicodin (hydrocodone)

  • Morphine

  • Codeine

  • Xanax (alprazolam)

  • Valium (diazepam)

  • Klonopin (clonazepam)

  • Restoril (temazepam)

  • Ambien (zolpidem)

OxyContin, Vicodin, morphine, and codeine are all opioid painkillers with similar effects to illicit opioids, such as heroin.

Adderall and Ritalin are stimulant drugs and are misused for the same reasons people may use methamphetamine or cocaine.

Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, and Restoril all belong to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and produce effects similar to those produced by alcohol.

prescription drug addiction treatment

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

The signs and symptoms of prescription drug misuse can help people understand when their use of prescription medications has become a problem.

Many people struggle to accept that they live with a substance use disorder when using prescription drugs. After all, these medications are typically prescribed by physicians who have your best interests at heart.

But using prescription drugs, even if only taken as prescribed, does not make you exempt from the risk of addiction. Some of the most common signs of prescription drug addiction include:

  • Taking more prescription drugs than prescribed

  • Craving your prescription medications

  • Experiencing prescription drug withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking your medication

  • Abusing prescription drugs even though it leads to worsening physical and mental health consequences

  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies outside of prescription drug use

  • Growing tolerance for your prescription medications, meaning you need to take more to achieve the desired effect

  • Multiple failed attempts to quit or cut down on your prescription medication on your own

  • Continued prescription drug abuse despite consequences at work, home, or school

Other signs that people might abuse their prescription medications include frequently calling their doctor for refills, experiencing significant stress if they cannot get their medications on time, or combining their medications with other drugs, such as alcohol or illicit substances.

How Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Can Help

When a person has developed a prescription drug use disorder, they may be unable to stop their substance use on their own. This frequently results in them seeking out illicit drugs if they cannot get enough medications to support their habit through their doctors.

But there are evidence-based treatment methods for helping people break free from misusing prescription medications, which you can start today by reaching out to Malibu Detox.

Prescription Drug Detox

Prescription drug detox is the first step in achieving recovery. Depending on the specific medications you’ve been taking, prescription drug withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly uncomfortable and even dangerous.

Nausea, insomnia, and anxiety are common prescription drug withdrawal symptoms. Some medications can have drug withdrawal effects like delirium, hallucinations, and seizures. Without appropriate medical intervention, these seizures can result in death.

At a medically assisted detox program, people struggling with prescription drug addiction can receive targeted and effective treatments that vastly reduce their drug withdrawal symptoms.

Clients at our prescription drug detox receive around-the-clock care from specially trained medical professionals who work tirelessly to ensure your comfort and safety.

Medical detox can not only make you more comfortable but can reduce the danger associated with detoxing from prescription drugs. This makes it a necessary precaution for anyone who is struggling to break free from their substance use disorder.

Stages of Detox

Stage 1: Assessment

The first step in detox is a careful diagnosis and assessment process. This helps our detox team to determine the severity of your substance use disorder and develop a customized treatment plan catered to your needs. It can also help identify any co-occurring medical or mental health conditions that may impact your treatment process.

Stage 2: Stabilization

The second stage of prescription drug detox is known as stabilization. This stage takes up the bulk of your treatment stay and involves receiving both medical and mental health treatment to minimize your withdrawal symptoms.

At the end of the stabilization phase, clients have fully cleared any addictive chemicals from their systems and are prepared to receive further addiction treatment.

Stage 3: Transition

The final step is transitioning from detox to a residential treatment facility, where people can take part in behavioral therapies that can help them sustain their recovery for a lifetime. Our detox team can help you make this transition as seamlessly and effortlessly as possible.

prescription drug addiction treatment center

Residential Treatment

Detox is typically followed by a residential treatment program, which offers evidence-based psychotherapies that can help people learn the skills they need to maintain their sobriety. These therapies may include:

Together, these treatments can help people to learn healthy coping mechanisms, resist future relapse, and build strong, healthy lives in recovery.

Start Treatment at Malibu Detox

If you or a loved one is struggling with prescription drug addiction, reach out to Malibu Detox by calling our team at (424) 234-2027 or filling out our confidential online contact form.

Our team can walk you through our different treatment options, help you determine what you need to recover, and start you on the path to healing. You can recover from prescription drug abuse, and our team can help to show you the way.

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