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The Importance of Practicing Patience During Recovery

Are you or a loved one in the middle of the recovery process? Have you been down this road a few times already, but haven’t been able to make it all the way through?

If so, then you need to learn the value of practicing patience.

Make no mistake about it. Recovery is one of the hardest things that you’ll do in your entire life. You’ll face many obstacles, but they can all be overcome with the right amount of persistence!

Keep reading for an in-depth guide on the benefits of practicing patience when you’re going through the addiction recovery stages.

1. Embrace the Road Ahead

The road to recovery won’t be all daisies and dandelions. It will take hard work on your behalf to see the recovery through to the end. There will be resources available to you, such as luxury rehab in California.

But at the end of the day, it’s not about how quickly you can recover. It’s about whether you can see it through to the end. Doing so will create a better life for yourself.

Did you know that there are four different stages of addiction recovery? These phases are as follows:

  1. Precontemplation: You haven’t identified that there is a problem, and thus, aren’t actively seeking help or listening to advice from others
  2. Contemplation: You now realize you have an issue and you want to change, but feel overwhelmed by the recovery process
  3. Preparation: You’re ready for action and have found an avenue for help, such as addiction treatment centers in Malibu
  4. Action: You’ve taken action by checking into a luxury drug rehab center to create real change in your life

Some would argue that there is a fifth stage—maintenance. There could even be a sixth stage—termination, when you’re completely cleansed of the addiction.

No matter how many addiction recovery stages there are, patience can teach you to embrace the grind.

2. Gives You a Chance for Self-Assessment

Self-assessment is one of the most powerful tools known to man. Yet few people actually take the time to use it.

If you’re sprinting into this recovery process, then you risk going through a significant setback. You don’t give yourself time to gather your bearings before the next stage on the road to recovery.

When practicing patience, you’re allowing yourself the chance to reassess your current situation. You can ask yourself questions like the ones below:

  • How is the recovery process going so far?
  • If I had to choose one, which stage am I currently in on my recovery process?
  • Have I felt tempted to resort back to my old ways?
  • What bad habits do I need to remove from my life?
  • If I’ve hit a bump in the road, how can I learn from it?
  • In what ways have I hindered my recovery in the past?
  • How can I avoid repeating past mistakes again?

As you can see, these questions force you to give honest feedback. After all, if you won’t be honest with yourself, who will you be honest with?

3. Set Realistic Expectations

As they’re learning how to develop patience, many people doom their recovery from the start by setting unrealistic expectations. For example, they might give themselves a turnaround time of only a few months.

Everyone is different. Some people take longer than others to overcome the struggles of addiction. That only means that you’ll have a better victory story to tell when you overcome it!

It’s important to set realistic expectations for this process. Envision the finish line, but don’t give yourself too many parameters at first. Start by taking the first step—by finding the best rehab in Malibu—and then take it day by day after that.

If you set expectations that are too lofty, you’re more likely to relapse back into the addiction you’re battling. Just know this: some days are harder than others. Embrace that when you set your goals!

4. Helps You Cut Ties

As many of you already know, a big part of addiction recovery is cutting ties with those negative influences in your life.

However, those influences won’t go away as easily as you hope them to. If it’s your old friends, they’ll push back. They’ll try to squeeze back into your life somehow.

Patience is a valuable asset during this time. With patience, you’ll expect there to be push-back and will have the mental strength to see it through to the end.

Patience will allow you to keep your eyes on your end goal—recovery—even when those friends and relatives are trying to pull you down.

5. Increases Satisfaction

As the world-famous author J.K. Rowling once said, “Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself!”

Rowling herself has been very transparent about her history with overcoming an alcohol addiction, as well as severe depression.

As so many like her have learned, there’s nothing more satisfactory than achieving a goal that you’ve worked so long and hard for. If you have the patience to see your recovery through, you’ll feel as if you can conquer anything!

Whether that’s writing the best-selling book series in history, pursuing your dream career, or any other goal, no goal will seem as difficult as the one you’ve accomplished.

Practicing Patience in Recovery Is Essential

Now that you have seen all of the different reasons why practicing patience is so vital to your recovery process, it’s time to take the first step towards accomplishing your goal.

Are you interested in a Malibu detox center? Be sure to visit this page to learn more about our knowledgeable staff and how they can help you in your treatment.

For more inquiries on our Malibu detox services, reach out via our contact us page and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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